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Kif tgħidha f'qalbek: Bejn kitba u traduzzjoni fuq Aphroconfuso

Sat, Oct 21


MFCC, Malta Book Festival

We are proud to host Aphroconfuso's team, Joe Gatt and Loranne Vella in conversation with Kurt Borg, Davinia Hamilton and Omar N'Shea.

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 Kif tgħidha f'qalbek: Bejn kitba u traduzzjoni fuq Aphroconfuso
 Kif tgħidha f'qalbek: Bejn kitba u traduzzjoni fuq Aphroconfuso

Time & Location

Oct 21, 2023, 6:00 PM – Oct 22, 2023, 6:00 PM

MFCC, Malta Book Festival, Millennium Stand, Level 1, The National Stadium, Ħ'Attard ATD 4000, Malta


About the event

 Jekk kull kitba hija forma ta’ traduzzjoni, ħafna drabi l-kitba bil-Malti terġa’ hija traduzzjoni b’mod iktar dirett. Meta niġu biex nartikolaw bil-Malti ħsieb dwar suġġett li dejjem qrajnieh b’lingwa oħra, probabbilment bl-Ingliż, insibu ruħna nitqabdu bejn l-idea nnifisha u espressjoni preċiża u eleganti. Taħdita mal-edituri u l-kontributuri ta’ Aphroconfuso dwar kif din it-taqbida tagħmel parti importanti mill-kitba u l-proċess editorjali tal-ġurnal.


If all writing is a form of translation, writing in Maltese is often translating in an even more direct sense. When we try to articulate in Maltese a line of thought on a subject that we have always read in another language, most probably English, we find ourselves struggling between the idea and its precise and elegant expression. A conversation with the editors and contributors of Aphroconfuso on how this struggle forms an important part of the journal’s writing and editorial process. 

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