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Are you fed up with thinking about that guy every minute of every waking hour, when he doesn't even reply to your texts?Are you reeling from the pain of a break-up, unsure of where to turn?Are you single and looking to be happy with your choices in the face of society's constant questioning?In How to Get Over a Boy, bestselling author Chidera Eggerue will show you, once and for all, how to reframe the stale goal of finding a man. She will equip you with tangible and applicable solutions for every part of your dating life, helping you recognize that men hold as much power in our romantic lives as we grant them.In the past, dating books tend to lean more into the territory of 'how to make him find you hot!', 'how to make him jealous!', 'how to get him to propose!'. But these how-tos are placing men on a pedestal of being 'the prize'. Men are NEVER the prize. You are. Let The Slumflower show you why.

How To Get Over A Boy

SKU: 9781787134805
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    Chidera Eggerue

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